Resource Page: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism

These free resources from a variety of organizations are intended to help district leaders tackle this complex issue, including toolkits, policy recommendations, outreach and communications strategies, and more.

Chronic absenteeism continues to be at crisis levels in schools across the country, and leaders are the federal, state and local levels are taking a variety of approaches to this complex issue. Many organizations and agencies have made resources available to equip district leaders with strategies, recommendations, and other tools to improve student engagement and attendance. 

Federal resources:

The federal Department of Education's Chronic Absenteeism website offers data, policy recommendations, ideas for funding sources and other tools.

The Attendance Solutions Network offers technical assistance and a peer learning community. The network is already providing no-cost technical assistance to over 200 districts across the country.

The Institute for Education Sciences (IES) offers four handouts to improve attendance and engagement:

joint resource developed by the U.S. Departments of Education and Transportation highlights strategies and approaches to provide safe, reliable school transit options that can improve attendance.

The CDC offers a website with school guidelines to help parents decide when to send kids to school, when to keep them home, and when to return to school after being sick.

Toolkits, playbooks, and presentations from other organizations:

The Grad Partnership: Chronic Absenteeism Toolkit 

The Ad Council: Chronic Absenteeism Toolkit & Research

The Healthy Schools Campaign: Absenteeism Toolkit

FutureEd and Attendance Works: Attendance Playbook of Strategies for Reducing Absenteeism, with Implementation Guide for using the playbook effectively

Attendance Works, AFSA, NASSP, NAESP: Overcoming Chronic Absenteeism: Solutions for School Leaders

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